

Apply for one of our 35 annual events worldwide

Check out our guide to Copenhagen!


Meet other artists and experience one of the many destinations

Check out our guide to Copenhagen!


Push the limits, sharing ideas and taking your style to the next level

Check out our guide to Copenhagen!


Connect with locals for future visits

Check out our guide to Copenhagen!


Work in interdisciplinary ways with local artists and performers

Check out our guide to Copenhagen!
Meeting of Styles CPH

The Copenhagen Team

Festival managers and coordinators

Steffen Gray
Project Manager and developer

Toke Kjer
Event Manager and booker

Raimonda Radaviciute
Activities coordinator and event development

Artist care

Kelly Young
Volunteer coordinator

Camille Rosenbeck
Artist care and board member in Street Studies

Signe Darre
Artist care

Nana Noel
Artist care and CSR coordinator in Street Studies

Sisse Kjær
Artist care and construction crew

Linnea Brunnøm Hansen
Artist care and performer

Casper Hansen
Vegan Chef, Construction and board member in Street Studies

April Pedersen
Artist care

Volunteer care 

Sabrina Solis
Artist interviews

Urban Professionals

Amelia Green
Head of global research

Tina Vilfan
Architect and placemaker

Margarida Batista
Geographer and placemaker

Trine Hess
Urban planner and reseacher

Construction team

Dennis Simonsen
Construction planner

Construction coordinator

Kristoffer kristoffer
Construction Crew

Nicklas Erbo
Construction Crew

Mikkel Jensen
Construction Crew

Media team

Francois Debains
Media coordinator

Nikolai Irinov

Tinus Buus

Camille Dalager

Pernille Juhl

Maybe you're a good match for the team?

We’re 100% volunteer based, so our team is really what makes this event work year after year!

 I think every team member can attest to the relaxed atmosphere and the huge amounts of inspiration provided by the international artists visiting us!


Facebook-focused digital marketer

To help out with the announcements, campaigns and making sure out content gets the amount of attention is deserves!


To do portraits and find interesting stories behind our many international visitors. Each artist have a huge network and many great stories from his/her travels. We need you to find them and tell them!

Urban researchers

We impact the city space every time we transform a Copenhagen inner city square. We’d like to do proper research on what kind of dynamics we create – and how we impact the places and our surroundings.